White Night - South


Southside White Night venues strut their artistic stuff with bollywood and  myth-making at the Mangere Arts Centre - Ngā Tohu o Uenuku and male nudes at the Pah Homestead TSB Bank Wallace Arts Centre, connected to the city centre and to White Night East venues by free buses and shuttles.



Mangere Arts CentreMANGERE ARTS CENTRE - NGÃ TOHU O UENUKU aucklandcouncil.govt.nz / 262 5789.
Corner Orly Avenue & Bader Drive, Mangere Town Centre

A celebration of Indian culture in all its forms from pop to traditional, including bollywood, music and dance alongside two exhibitions.

Mangere Arts Centre 2When the Gods Came Down to Earth, a stunning video work at the crossroads of ancient myth-making and modern technologies by filmmaker and artist Srinivas Krishna, drawing on his childhood stories of gods and goddesses, humans and demons, and the populist imagery known as 'calendar art.'

The Curry Bunch, a provocatively playful exhibition from Auckland artist Bepen Bhana, whose immaculately painted portraits give the widely recognised 'Western' faces of The Brady Bunch an Eastern transformation.

NEW! DJ Areeb will play from 6 - 11pm http://www.djareeb.com/

6pm to 11pm

***The Best of ART IN THE DARK Halo



Pah Homestead 2THE PAH HOMESTEAD, TSB Bank Wallace Arts Centre tsbbankwallaceartscentre.org.nz / 639 2010.
72 Hillsborough Rd, Hillsborough. 6pm to midnight.

Against a backdrop of contemporary artwork and the spectacular Pah Homestead, Deputy Director of the Wallace Arts Trust Dr Oliver Stead will present a talk on Male Nudes, an exhibition of works from the Wallace Arts Trust Collection, 7pm-7.30pm.

Portraiture Discussion with artist Stephen Martyn Welch Renowned local artist and star of TVNZ's hit series The Sitting, Stephen Martyn Welch will discuss the subject of portraiture and his experiences capturing the human form on canvas. This discussion will involve a limited number of questions taken from the audience, so bring any burning questions for Marty with you, 8.30pm-9pm.

Turret Tours. Tour the usually out-of-bounds Pah Homestead Turret at regular intervals between 7.30pm and 11.30pm. Limited capacity per tour.

Pah Café serving tantalising tidbits including antipasto, mezze and Mexican platters, accompanied by refreshments, open until 11pm.