Overview & Welcome
Welcome to Auckland Arts Festival - Nau
mai haere mai ki Te Ahurei Toi O Tamaki Makaurau.
The Auckland Arts Festival is
Auckland's premier festival of New Zealand and international arts.
Presented biennially, the globally-recognised event celebrates
people and culture, and showcases the unrivalled location and
landscape, cultural diversity and vibrant energy of New Zealand's
largest city.
Since the inaugural event in 2003,
the Auckland Arts Festival has welcomed over a million attendees.
Held during 19 days in March, the sixth biennial Festival shattered
attendance records, successfully engaging new, larger and more
diverse audiences. It offered unique experiences for both audiences
and artists, and reached more than 180,000 people.
The Festival truly gained momentum,
recognition and energy, and cemented its place on auckland's major
events calendar and on the national arts landscape. It recognised
and celebrated our diverse cultural heritage reflecting auckland's
unique image and identity, and played a major part in delivering to
auckland's aspirations to be the world's most liveable city.
The Auckland Arts Festival is
Auckland's premier festival of New Zealand and international arts.
Presented biennially, the globally-recognised event celebrates
people and culture, and showcases the unrivalled location and
landscape, cultural diversity and vibrant energy of New Zealand's
largest city.

A message from David, Carla and
A festival is a moment in time that will never happen again. It is
a celebration and an occasion to come together as a community to
share in the spirit and creativity of many artists.
The Auckland Arts Festival is unique; offering a very specific
cultural moment that could only happen here in Tāmaki Makaurau,
with artists from here and around the motu, as well as the world
beyond. They speak about their place, their history, their
ideas and their future - and ours. At Auckland Arts Festival
they share this with all of us.
Thanks to the many artists involved. Your heart and courage to
make work; work that stretches our imaginations, challenges us to
think, makes us laugh and brings us to tears is the most important
gift that you can offer us all.
The Festival Staff and Board have been amazing and worked above
and beyond.
Thank you to all the funders,
sponsors, patrons and supporters whose generosity lets us bring the
work of great artists to audiences across this wonderful city of
Homai te paki paki and a huge cheer for Auckland Council whose
support enables this Festival to happen, and to Creative NZ for
their investment in New Zealand work.
Put the dates in your diary 4 - 22 March 2015 when the next
Auckland Arts Festival is going to be in town.
Carla van Zon, Artistic Director
David Inns, Chief Executive
Victoria Carter, Chair